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Pay Attention to Size When Replacing Your AC


On the east coast and in the Midwest, homeowners are bracing for one of the chilliest winters they’ve seen in awhile. But here in Tampa, temperatures are just cooling off enough that we can shut off our AC systems. And if yours gave you trouble this past season, it may be time to consider a replacement.

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Of course, your first instinct may be to rush out and find the first AC system that matches your budget, but this can be a big mistake. It may work for other smaller appliances throughout your home, but the purchase of an air conditioner should be taken more seriously.

Size Matters

Air conditioning systems that are not appropriately sized by a professional can run into major operational problems. The cooling capacity of any AC system is measured by BTUs (British Thermal Units). AC technicians such as the members of our staff measure your home using a variety of different factors to decide on the correct BTUs needs for AC installation.

If an AC system is too small for your living space, then your home will never reach your desired temperature setting, but it will run for long periods of time to try to. This can eventually cause your compressor to overheat, which leads to the need for premature system replacement.

Having too large of a system is bad too. If your air conditioner is too big, then it won’t be able to cycle long enough to remove humidity from the air and provide you with the cooling comfort you desire. The systems will shut on and off rapidly—a process called short-cycling—and wear down on the air conditioner faster than the system would have otherwise.

There are a number of considerations to be made when determining the right size AC system for your home, all of which our HVAC technicians are well versed on. We look at factors such as:

  • Type of home construction
  • Type of insulation
  • Placement of windows and doors
  • Number of windows
  • Number of occupants in the home
  • Shading outside of the home

For professional air conditioning installation in Tampa, FL, contact IERNA’s Heating & Cooling today.
