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GERMICIDAL Ultraviolet (UV) LIGHT Air Filtration in Tampa, FL

One of the most effective ways to improve the indoor air quality in your home is to have an Ultraviolet light system installed in your ductwork where it can destroy germs such as viruses and bacteria before they have a chance to spread in your home’s indoor air and worsen illnesses. IERNA’s Heating & Cooling offers comprehensive UV germicidal light installation services for just this reason, ensuring you and your family never have to worry about high levels of germs in your indoor air.

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If you are interested in learning more about how an Ultraviolet light can benefit your home, call us today and ask to talk with one of our EPA and NATE certified technicians. We can help you select the right system for your home and then ensure it is properly installed to provide ongoing comfort control.


Ultraviolet light is completely natural. The sun produces it, and it surrounds us every day. However, what makes UV light different is that we cannot see it without some help, and when it comes into contact with organic matter, it causes damage. This damage is done on a small scale, so when it touches our skin on a particularly sunny day, it will cause a mild sunburn. Given enough time it can cause a substantial sunburn, but it still just damages your skin – the protective layer your body has against further damage.

However, germs like bacteria and viruses have no such protection. They are microscopic and therefore, when exposed to UV light, they are almost instantly destroyed. They are damaged irreversibly by the high intensity light produced by your new IAQ system.


An ultraviolet light can benefit anyone with frequent illnesses in the family or with family members that have compromised immune systems – even for things as routine as allergies or asthma symptoms. An ultraviolet light system is installed in your ductwork and runs nearly constantly as air passes through. When bacteria or virus cells pass through the ultraviolet light, they are scrambled and destroyed, removing a huge percentage of potentially dangerous microbes from your home.

If you are interested in learning more about ultraviolet light installation or how these systems can benefit your entire family, call IERNA’s Heating & Cooling today and ask to talk with one of our EPA and NATE certified indoor air quality technicians. We can help you select the perfect system for your home and vastly improve your indoor air quality as a result.

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