The pumpkins are popping up around the neighborhood and kids are choosing their costumes. While our weather is sticking to warmer temperatures, fall is here. But this isn’t just a season for adding cinnamon and nutmeg to everything. It is also a time to get much-needed service for your home comfort systems.
We know that you aren’t likely to use your heater too much in the coming weeks, but it is helpful to get it tuned up before you need it. That way, when the day (or night) comes when things are a little too chilly, you won’t have to worry over whether or not your heater is ready to perform.
Why Tune Up Your Heater Today?
We know that things aren’t cooling off yet. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t plan ahead. We know that there are likely some chilly nights in our future and you will want to be able to rely on your heating system when things cool off.
For one thing, getting maintenance for your system now means you won’t have to worry about getting it done later on when your heater is already being used and eating up extra energy as a result. For another, getting this service done early means you won’t have to battle with your neighbors to get a time and date selected that works best for you.
The Benefits Regular Maintenance Provides
We provide heater maintenance and repairs because they are necessary and worthwhile. Here are the benefits you’ll enjoy if and when you schedule maintenance with our team of professionals.
- Improved energy efficiency: When you schedule maintenance with a professional each year for your heater, it will help your heater work in a more efficient manner. This can prevent up to a 5% loss of efficiency each year. That means that this service can help you preserve up to 95% of the original efficiency level of your system over its lifespan, saving you quiet a lot on your energy bills.
- Optimized system performance: No one wants to do battle with their heater on a cold night. Save yourself the trouble and get a maintenance appointment set up with us. Our tune-ups will ensure that your heater does its job easily and effectively.
- Fewer repair needs: You can count on our team whenever your need a heat pump or furnace repair in Lutz, FL. With that sai, we agree that those repair visits should be kept to a minimum. That’s why maintenance is so great. This once-a-year service can help prevent up to 85% of the system repairs that you might need over the course of your heater’s lifespan.
- Longer system lifespan: A well-maintained heater is also far more likely to last longer. Regular maintenance each year can mean the difference between a heater that lasts 10 years and one that breezes its way to 15 years before needing replacement.
You can schedule your tune-up with us today so you don’t have to worry about whether or not your system will work right this season.
Contact IERNA’s Heating and Cooling to schedule an appointment.