If you’ve followed our blog in the past, then you’ve seen us discuss maintenance, a few times. And you likely have heard that the best time to schedule a maintenance tune-up for your cooling system is in the early spring, to prepare it for the demand to be placed on it through our very long summers. After all, once that daily temperature rises to the point that you’re using your AC for 24 hours straight, you’ll want to know that no damage will occur due to neglect.
But what if you haven’t scheduled your Tampa, FL air conditioning maintenance appointment yet? Is it too late—should you just wait until next year? Doing so is a lot like gambling—you never know what’s going to happen. You may be just fine, or you might find yourself stuck without any cooling during one of the hottest days of the year. Not only is this of course uncomfortable, but it can be unhealthy—particularly if you have young kids or anyone elderly in your household.
What Is Preventive Maintenance All About?
Just as the name implies, preventive maintenance prevents the worst of AC problems that may crop up. Neglecting this service appointment could leave you paying more for repairs than necessary, and shorten your air conditioner’s lifespan. Too many people wait to call for professional AC services when they notice a problem—but by then they might already have a system beyond help.
When the choice is to possibly find yourself facing an air conditioner replacement in the dead of summer, or scheduling a tune-up for your system, then you can likely see which way to turn. An important factor to remember is that most air conditioning problems don’t give off any warning signs until they’ve had some time to damage your system—and by the time you notice unusual behavior, it may be too late to prevent the majority of the damage. Prevention means hiring a professional to fully inspect and clean your air conditioner on an annual basis—or twice a year if you have a heat pump.
Need Repairs? Schedule Them Now
One of the reasons preventive maintenance is so important is that it gives our professionals a chance to look for any small repair needs that might have arisen in the past 6 months to a year. The chance of an air conditioner never needing a repair during its 10-15 year lifespan is pretty slim—even with regular tune-ups. So, if you’re told during maintenance that you do need a repair, it’s best to schedule it ASAP.
Doing so will give you the peace of mind that your cooling system is ready to face another long, hot summer—not to mention it will prevent a bigger air conditioning emergency from happening. Ignoring repair symptoms, or waiting until you next maintenance appointment to deal with it, will only increase the likelihood that things will get worse. Plus, scheduling repairs right away means you can do so at your convenience, and not scramble to find an HVAC technician right when something goes wrong.
Contact IERNA’s Heating & Cooling today to schedule your next AC tune-up. If you find yourself in need of emergency repairs, we’ve provided our emergency hotline number above!