While it might be tempting to hire the least expensive contractor you can find, but it’s important to make sure that your technician is properly licensed and trained to work with your system. One of the main reasons that heat pump installation should remain out of the hands of amateurs is that a poor installing job will lead to numerous heating repair needs. The money you believe you’ll save with amateur installers will end up going into years of repair work. Instead of going this route, start off right and call Ierna’s Heating & Cooling for heat pump installation.
Heating Repair Issues from Poor Installation
Probably the most common problem that can arise from a shoddy installation job is from leaky connections between the indoor cabinet and the ductwork. The ducts must maintain a tight seal with the cabinet at all times or it will result in a plunge in air pressure. The ducts will to be repaired, sealed, and sometimes rebuilt around the heat pump to allow them to fit correctly.
Low refrigerant is another issue that happens because a heat pump was installed incorrectly. There’s a good chance the installers put in too little refrigerant or put in the wrong refrigerant blend. Other installation mistakes can lead to leaking around the seals where the refrigerant lines connect to other components. A loss of refrigerant is a serious problem that will lead to icing over the coils and a drop in efficiency eventually causing a total loss of heating and cooling power unless it is fixed.
Amateur installers will often create faulty connections from the heat pump to the power supply (causing tripped circuit breakers) as well as to thermostat (resulting in uneven temperatures or the heat pump refusing to come on when it should). Extensive electrical repair is usually required to fix this.
Make sure you have licensed professionals on the job from the beginning of the installation process, so you will have the right heater, at the right size, fixed up so it will run with as few problems as possible.
But even with the finest installation possible, a heat pump may eventually need repair work. Ierna’s Heating & Cooling has you covered there as well: we have NATE-certified technicians ready for your heating repair in Tampa, FL, any time of the day or night.