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“Why Is My Home Still Cold?”

“Why Is My Home Still Cold?”

You’ve been running your heater for what feels like forever and yet you find yourself asking, “Why is my home still cold?” The windows are shut, the doors are closed, and your thermostat is in heating mode so what is the deal?

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Aside from the lack of heat being uncomfortable, it is also an indicator that there is something going on with your furnace. Specifically, no heat is a sign that you need to schedule a heater repair in Tampa.

Tampa, FL isn’t known for being the coldest place in the world, this much is true, but that doesn’t mean we should have to suffer through those occasional chilly days without a working heater. So, if your heater isn’t producing any warmth, you deserve to know why and to be able to get the issue resolved quickly.

In both of these endeavors, we can help. We have listed a few different reasons that your heater might not be able to do its job. And, once you feel informed about what could be going on with your system, we have effective and reliable repair services that are only a call or click away.

But let’s discuss what could causing the issue first.

4 Reasons Why Your Home Isn’t Warming Up

Here are a few possible issues that could be impeding on your furnace’s ability to heat your home.

  • The furnace burners aren’t igniting properly: It is possible that your furnace’s burners may not be operating correctly because they need to be cleaned. Thankfully a quick call to a professional HVAC technician can allow your burners and other parts of your furnace.
  • You have a cracked heat exchanger: A cracked heat exchanger is no joke. Aside from hindering your heat, it can also put your welfare at risk. If you smell gas or hear a rattling noise, which can be additional indicators of a cracked heat exchanger, turn off your system and call a professional ASAP.
  • You have a malfunctioning thermostat: If your thermostat is miscalibrated or has become disconnected, your furnace won’t be getting the correct marching order, if it receives any orders at all! Scheduling a thermostat repair or an upgrade can resolve this issue quickly.
  • There is a big leak in your ductwork: Leaks in your ductwork allows the warm air to dissipate into your attic and crawlspaces before it reaches its intended destination. Instead, the air is replaced with cool air which is blown into the home. Make sure to schedule duct testing and sealing to address any duct leakages.

These are just a few of the reasons that your home may not be warming up correctly. There are, of course, other issues that may pop up and affect your furnace. The one key thing to remember when you notice your home isn’t warming up is that you should reach out to a professional HVAC technician to get your system repaired and running again. An amateur will never be able to offer the quality of work or the skill required to ensure your comfort.

Contact the trained and certified professionals at IERNA’s Heating & Cooling today to schedule your repairs.
